"Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters..."
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This powerful statement reflects Ali's staunch opposition to the Vietnam War and his profound commitment to civil rights. His refusal to be drafted was a bold stand against what he saw as an unjust conflict and a hypocritical government. Ali questioned why he should fight abroad for freedoms that were denied to him and other African Americans at home. His words resonate as a call for justice and equality, highlighting the contradictions of a society that preached liberty yet perpetuated oppression. Ali's courage in voicing these sentiments, despite facing severe repercussions, solidified his role as a champion not just in sports but in the fight for human rights.